Advanced ROV Electronics Package for ArduSub

922,79 exc Tax

The Advanced ROV Electronics Package provides all of the electronics needed for an ArduSub-powered ROV, including the BlueROV2. It can be integrated onto any ROV that you want to run ArduSub on!


The Advanced ROV Electronics Package provides all of the electronics needed for an ArduSub-powered ROV, including the BlueROV2. The “Advanced” package includes the Fathom-X Tether Interface, which provides an Ethernet connection to an onboard Raspberry Pi Computer. The computer is connected to a Pixhawk autopilot and HD video camera for live streaming.

The Advanced ROV Electronics Package is best for knowledgeable users, and applications where video quality and expandability are key. Additionally, no external video display is required. The video is displayed directly on your computer or tablet.

There are a few additional items you will need to use this electronics package on your ROV:

  • A computer on the surface to connect to the ROV and relay the controller commands
  • A gamepad controller to control the ROV. We recommend the Microsoft Xbox One controller.

For more information, please see the ArduSub Documentation.